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Contribution Policy

You are invited to contribute to the Polkadot Data Knowledge Base. If you represent a team/product, this gives you an excellent opportunity to add relevant context and information. Please read this page carefully.

How to contribute

You can propose changes to existing entries or to add new ones. To contribute:

To expedite the process, you can also try to reach out to @alice_und_bob via Twitter DM.

Style guide

The knowledge base should be sufficiently neutral to maintain equidistance to competing projects. To do this, we avoid marketing-speak and try to describe the projects as dry as possible. Competing projects might see mirrored language.

If you want to contribute in your own words, you can do so. To do this, please append your personalized text after a headline to the effect of

## NAME in their own words

and make all consecutive headlines one layer below. (### etc).

See an example here