📄️ Polkadot.js
Multiple products carry this name:
📄️ py-substrate-interface
This Python library specializes in interfacing with a Substrate node; querying storage, composing extrinsics, SCALE encoding/decoding and providing additional convenience methods to deal with the features and metadata of the Substrate runtime.
📄️ substrate-api-client
substrate-api-client is a library written in Rust for connecting to the substrate's RPC interface via WebSockets.
📄️ Capi
A TypeScript tookit for crafting interactions with Substrate-based chains. CAPI consists of FRAME-oriented utilities and a high-level functional effect system which facilitate multistep, multichain interactions without compromising on performance or safety. See the project notion for further details.
📄️ Chopsticks
Chopsticks provides a developer-friendly method of locally forking existing Substrate based chains. It allows for the replaying of blocks to easily examine how extrinsics effect state, the forking of multiple blocks for XCM testing, and more. This allows developers to test and experiment with their own custom blockchain configurations in a local development environment, without the need to deploy a live network.
📄️ Substrate API Siedecar
The Substrate sidecar service provides a REST API for interacting with Substrate blockchain nodes built using FRAME. The sidecar REST service exposes an extensive set of endpoints that enable you to interact with nodes, accounts, transactions, parachains, and many other components of a Substrate-based blockchain.